flock of birds flying during daytime

Migration Guide

The new TPW website launched in May 2024. If you were a subscriber before that date and haven't migrated your account, you need to do that before logging into the new site. We'll help you get started.

New subscribers can sign up here.

Migrating from the Old Site

How do I migrate?

Migration is a simple process. First, were you billed by Stripe (all credit cards) or PayPal on the old site?

If you were billed via Stripe (most accounts), continue to the next section.

If you were billed via PayPal, skip to the bottom of this page.


If you were billed via Stripe

If you paid through Stripe, then setup is super simple. All you need to do is to create a new password.

Click the button below to be guided through this step.


If you were billed via Paypal

TPW is phasing out PayPal. We have contacted all users via email about how to set up their accounts on the new site. If you don't see an email from us in your inbox, please contact us using the form below.


If you were billed MONTHLY via Paypal

You need to create a new account on this website and re-enter your billing information. We appreciate your help securely transferring your billing information and have provided a discount code to prevent double-billing. Look for an email from us with instructions. It’s probably already in your inbox!

Click the button below and to re-create your account on the new site.

if you were billed YEARLY

If you were billed annually on PayPal, then we need to do a little extra work to get your account set up. Use the contact form below to reach out to us and we'll set up your account to reflect the rest of the time you had on your annual subscription.

Still have questions?

Let us know how we can help you